Wednesday 28 August 2024


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

In order to have great yield 
There must be water and sun 
So let us all abide in 
The Living Water and Son 

In the Living Water and 
His Light 
The yield will be amazing 
And high 


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

In order to reap
The seed must be sown 
Continue to keep 
And nothing is grown 

The seed must be 
Scattered and planted 
In order to
Produce a harvest 

Spread the Good News to all 
And let the Word of Truth be sown
Salvation is for all 
Let Christ, the Saviour, be known

To Build

To Build 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

In order to build
The foundation must be strong 
In all situations
It will not give way or fall 

Let your foundation
Be upon Christ 
Then your life will be 
Secure and fine 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

In Faith and Truth

In Faith and Truth
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

Walk by faith 
Not by sight 
Live in Truth 
Not in lies

All your days 
Keep the Word 
And your ways 
By the Word 

Let God's light 
Show the way
And let Christ 
Lead the way 

Monday 26 August 2024

Don't Worry

Don't Worry
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

In this world
You will have trouble 
But the Word
Will make you stable 

Don't worry 
The Lord is able 
His Mercy 
And Grace powerful 

Christ has overcome 
The world 
Place your full trust in 
His Word

Sunday 25 August 2024

From the Mouth

From the Mouth 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

It should not be that from the mouth 
Comes forth both blessing and cursing 
Have you seen both fresh water and 
Salt water flow from the same spring?

It should not be that from the mouth 
Comes forth both words of faith and doubt
Will not the conflicting words 
Cause the hope to cancel out?

I should not be that from the mouth 
Comes forth both Word of Truth and lies
For then which one would you choose 
To follow and live your life?

Friday 23 August 2024

Blessed With Every Blessing

Blessed With Every Blessing 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

You have been blessed 
With every spiritual blessing 
Do not live stressed 
But fully trust in the Lord's leading 

He knows what you need 
At any given time and place
He provides the need 
Perfectly through His love and Grace

You do not and will not lack 
Any single thing 
For the One who walks with you 
Is the King of kings 

Thursday 22 August 2024


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

I needed to know suffering 
In order to know true joy 
I needed to go through pruning 
In order to be deployed 

I needed to be broken 
In order to be made whole 
I needed to be shaken 
To understand the Lord's role

I needed Christ, the Lord's Son
In order to be forgiven 
I needed to be as one 
In order to be Christ-driven 

Greatness of Christ, The High Priest

Greatness of Christ, The High Priest
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Christ is unlike any other priest 
For He is the eternal High Priest
Unlike all of the others 
He continues forever 

He has an unchangeable priesthood
Thus able to save all who come to God
Through Him since He always lives to make
Intercession for all of us to God

For such a High Priest is fitting for us 
Who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners 
And has become higher than the heavens
Who does not need to daily offer up the sacrifices

For this He did once for all 
When He offered up Himself
To die for the sins of all 
Perfected there at the cross 

Monday 19 August 2024


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Thank you very much
For your leadership and care
We appreciate 
The wonderful time shared 

We pray for God's blessings 
To shower your days 
And the new season brings
Greater times and ways

Sunday 18 August 2024

Walk In The Light

Walk In The Light 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

The Lord is light
And in Him is no darkness 
Walk in the light 
And stay away from darkness 

For you were once darkness
But now you are light in the Lord
Walk as children of light
That's acceptable to the Lord

Saturday 17 August 2024

Belong To Christ

Belong To Christ 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Remember that you 
Belong to Christ 
The moment that you 
Accepted Christ 

As your Lord 
And Saviour 
Thus you are His child 
Now and forever 

Nothing can separate you 
From the great love of the Lord
You are safe in His arms 
And secure in His Word

Thursday 15 August 2024

Speak and Reach

Speak and Reach 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

To speak
Or be silent 
To reach 
Or be dormant

To keep
Or diffuse
To meet 
Or refuse 

Choose to find 
And to save 
All the blind 
From the grave 

Speak and spread the Word
To the blind and lost 
Let all know the work
Of Christ at the cross 

Wednesday 14 August 2024

God's Love For You

God's Love For You 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

God's love for you 
Is unquestionable 
His love for you 
Is immeasurable 

His love is eternal 
And unconditional  
True and faithful

Tuesday 13 August 2024


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

If you are juggling 
Too many things 
You will be struggling 
To settle things 

Do not be distracted 
Set your mind on things above 
You must be focused 
Or you will not get things done 

Fix your eyes 
On the Lord 
Abide in Christ 
With Him be yoked

For The Lord

For The Lord 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

Let us all 
Bear the cross
Be the cost 

Let us all 
Fix our eyes
Firmly on 
Our Lord Christ 

Let us all
March on forth 
Strong and tall
For the Lord

Saturday 10 August 2024

Cast All Your Cares To God

Cast All Your Cares To God 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

When you are 
You will be 
Greatly burdened

You will then be 
Tired and weakened 
And you will be  
Easily shaken

Cast all your cares 
Unto the Lord 
Allow His Grace 
To conquer all

Ride on
The strength of the Lord 
Lean on
His wisdom and Word 

Go On Strong

Go On Strong 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

When you walk the 
Long and dreary path 
When you climb the 
Steep and chilly hill

When you face 
The rough and raging storm 
In God's Grace 
You will get through it all 

Do not fear
Go on strong 
Remain steadfast 
Trust in the Lord 

Friday 2 August 2024

Rise Again

Rise Again 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

When the righteous fall 
They will rise again 
Abiding in the Lord 
Provides wisdom and gain 

In Christ, they stand tall 
Nothing is in vain 
Victory is found 
In God's Mighty Name

Thursday 1 August 2024

Remain Steadfast In Faith

Remain Steadfast In Faith 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

No matter how rough 
The journey 
No matter how tough 
And risky 

Do not be afraid 
Remain steadfast in faith 
Trust in the Lord God 
He will come to your aid

The Shield That Protects

The Shield That Protects 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

The fiery darts 
Come to attack 
The mind and heart 

From all directions 
In all conditions 
Put up the shield of faith 
You'll be safe in God's Grace 

God's shield will 
Protect you 
So always keep
The shield with you

God's Great Love

God's Great Love 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

There is not a day 
That goes by without 
Seeing the great way 
You display Your love 

My heart is in awe of 
Your great Mercy and Grace 
Every single day 
There are things to give praise 

So grateful am I 
That You are my Father 
In You I abide 
All the days of my life