Friday 26 July 2024

What Will Satisfy Your Heart?

What Will Satisfy Your Heart?
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

What will satisfy your heart?
Is it riches or fame?
Is there something precious that
You can point out or name?

Even though you try really hard 
But nothing satisfies your heart 
Because the only way 
To satisfy your heart 

Is to fully surrender your heart 
To the one who created your heart 
Knowing the Lord deeply 
Walking with Him closely 

Abiding in Him fully 
All the days of your life 
Allowing Him to fully 
Take charge over your life 

Does It Really Matter?

Does It Really Matter?
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Does it really matter
What we do and say?
Even in small matters 
A role it does play 

Does it really matter 
The which, when and how?
It certainly matters 
For things to work out 

Does it really matter 
In the eyes of God?
The Heart of the Father 
Determines the worth 

Is It Really Worthwhile?

Is It Really Worthwhile?
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Is it really worthwhile?
To go through great pain and trials
To persevere on and 
Remain steadfast to the plan 

Even though the situation 
May seem miserably bleak 
And the conditions 
Are not what you seek

Is it really worthwhile?
It certainly is
With the Lord, you will find 
That it truly is

Nothing will be in vain 
Persist on in faith 
In the Lord's Mighty Name 
There shall be much gain

Thursday 25 July 2024

For Even One

For Even One
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

Christ will stop 
For even one
As He stopped 
For the blind one 

The one blind beggar 
There amongst the crowd 
He heard the beggar 
Despite the large crowd 

Christ will stop 
For anyone 
Who decides
To humbly come

In faith to Him 
Fully surrendered 
Trusting in Him 
In full repentance

Wednesday 24 July 2024

No Room For Sin

No Room For Sin
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Do not make 
Room for sin 
Or it'll make 
Its way in 

Do not even 
Glance at it 
Do not even 
Think of it 

Keep your distance 
From all sin 
And the entrance 
Shut to sin


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Even when it's tough
Even when it's rough

Do not give up 
Trusting in God 

For the Lord's Kingdom 
Reap in due season


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

Even in the rain 
Even in the pain 

Even in the storm 
Even if not strong

Do not be discouraged 
In faith and courage 

Even when attacked 
Will surely protect