Tuesday 2 July 2024

What Fills In Flows Out

What Fills In Flows Out
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

What is filled in 
Is what flows out 
Be filled with Truth 
And Truth flows out

What is filled in
Is what flows out 
Be filled with faith 
And faith flows out 

Do not fill in 
Lies and doubt
For that will be
What flows out

Filled With God

Filled With God
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

Whatever you are 
Filled with inside
That is what you are 
Indeed led by 

Be careful of 
What you receive 
Be careful of
What you believe 

So be filled with 
God's Word and Spirit 
And be led by 
His Word and Spirit 

Believe & Declare

Believe & Declare 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

If you do not 
Then you will not 

If you do not 
Then you will not 

If you do not 
Then how will you 

Believe in God's Word
And declare His Word 
Then you will receive
Power to achieve