Saturday 12 October 2024

Excruciating Pain

Excruciating Pain
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

The pain excruciating 
Far too hard for you to bear 
But your mind at peace and heart singing 
In the Lord's wonderful love and care 

Knowing that He knows what is best 
And He will sustain you through the test 
With His great wisdom and power 
Under His abundant Grace cover 

Table From God

Table From God 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

You prepare a table before me 
In the presence of my enemies
To display my story 
And showcase Your Glory 

Of how You took me 
Under Your wings 
And led me as the 
Sovereign King 

Of Your wonderful 
Mercy, Grace and love 
Abundantly sent 
To us from above

The table is full
With You seated with me 
Sustaining me through 
The tough dark times in need 

That my heart may burst forth
In joyful dance and song 
Praising You as I go forth 
Declaring Your love for all

Monday 30 September 2024

We Can Trust God

We Can Trust God
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

We can trust God 
For who He is
For He is whom 
He says He is 

We can trust God
And be at peace
Because He will do 
What He has promised 

We can trust God 
With our lives 
Christ died and rose 
For our lives

We can trust God 
In everything 
He's in control 
Of everything

Monday 23 September 2024

Humble In The Sight Of God

Humble In The Sight Of God 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

The eyes of the prideful 
Will be humbled
For their evil steps will 
Make them stumble 

The pride of man 
Will be brought low 
They will not stand 
When the winds blow 

Only those who are humble 
In the sight of God will be exalted 
They rise and do not crumble 
They shall be abundantly rewarded

Truly Blessed

Truly Blessed 
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Woe to those who are
Wise in their own eyes
But not wise 
In God's eyes

Woe to those who
Call evil good
And to those who 
Call good evil 

Woe to those who 
Put darkness to light 
And to those who
Put bitter to sweet 

Woe to those who seek 
Their own desires
And not at all seek 
What God desires 

But truly blessed are those 
Who love God with all their mind, 
Heart and soul for they are those 
Who will have true peace of mind 

Saturday 21 September 2024


By Dr Marilyn Bouniu 

We do not pray 
To impress God
What can we say 
To impress God?

We do not pray 
To inform God 
Nor do we pray
To instruct God 

He knows all things
From start to end 
He holds all things 
In His great Hand

We pray to invite God 
Into our lives to lead
And guide us in all things
For His Name and Glory

Thursday 19 September 2024

Trust In The Word Of God

Trust In The Word Of God
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

Let your heart
Not worry about "What if"
Do not doubt 
The Truth but accept what is 

Written in the Word 
With all of your heart and mind 
Trusting in the Word 
Even when times are unkind 

When you can't see where
The path ahead may lead
Just trust in the Lord
And allow Him to lead